Wednesday, July 7, 2010

There are many people who advise against cot bumpers for babies becuase they restrict airflow. I guess if the baby pressed his/her face right up against the bumper and didn't move, it could be a problem, but we can't get James to sit still (or sleep still) so I really don't think he'd hang out in a position that makes him uncomfortable.

It's been close to impossible for us to find a bumper that goes all the way around the cot (I've located one, and it costs 210 pounds!!!). We are just trying to protect Baby J from bumping his head on the side of the cot (which he has done) and getting his legs stuck through the bars (exhibit A below). He moves around SO much that a bumper that just goes around half of the cot is a total joke. This kid needs the full monty.

Ric's comment on the topic is: "I still don't understand the airflow thing. Do people suffocate who ride around in convertibles with the windows up? Oh lord, open up the windows, I can't breathe with only the top down!"


Amanda Shailendra said...

He is adorable! How did you get James out of this predicament? Is "cot" the British word for "crib?" Never heard that before!

Sara Parr said...

I don't know anything about these, but I've heard of them:

Love the picture!!

TwitterUK said...

Thanks Sara - we actually ended up getting one of those, although they're called something different over here. So far it works fine!

Panda - we had to wake him up and pull his little legs out! I'm still surprised he was sleeping so soundly with those legs hanging out :)