Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Injured reserve

Looks like I'm going to be out on injured reserve for a little while until we can figure out what I've done to my knee. I wish I had a cool story like I hurt myself heli skiing in Switzerland or cliff jumping in Costa Rica, but it's much less exciting than that... After taking about two years off from running I decided to get back in the game. I had it all worked out... the timing worked out well with my schedule, the distance wasn't too long or too short, and I got to run through the Heath in the morning with it's beautiful scenery. Perfect! Except going from no running to four days a week didn't agree with my body and as a result I have excruciating pain in my left knee. I saw a doctor today who referred me to a knee specialist, where I'll have to get an MRI. Hopefully it's nothing that some rest and physio can't take care of, but better to be safe than sorry.

In the meantime, I'll have to keep my exploration of Heath to a slow walk...

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