Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On the road again...

After swearing we'd never do a short weekend trip with James again (I'm sure you all remember the Paris debacle)... we just booked a short weekend trip with James - and we leave a week from Friday! Call it selective memory loss. Or denial. Or maybe we're just crazy!

This time there will be a few differences, which is how we've justified the whole thing. We're heading to Spain, not France (Grenada to be exact), we're staying outside the city in a hotel that has garden, grassy area, pool, etc, we're going with another family, James can walk now, he can eat real people food... Who knows if these things will be enough to change our minds about quick trips with the little guy, but we're hopeful!

We've got a few other trips on the horizon as well - Iceland for the last week of April, a weekend on the east coast at the end of May, and potentially a couple days on the Italian coast in June. Not sure what's happened, but I think we've gotten the travel bug again. We're not good at staying put for more than a month or two! I think it will be so much better now that James can walk, but we'll see!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let us know how it goes...we've realized just how difficult it is to travel with Alex at 4 and a half months! He's just now starting cereal and with carting that and formula around with us...ugh! Makes quick trips difficult.
Let us know where you'll be on the east coast in May. We'd love to see you three!!