Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We're finally getting around to uploading our pictures from Spain! We had a great time, it was much better than Paris and I think the lesson was that countryside beats city when it comes to traveling with James. We stayed at a hotel out in the middle of nowhere... about a 45 minute drive from the Malaga airport and 45 minutes from Granada. It was perfect! Lots of room for James and his buddy Mack to run around (we went with Evan and Lexa and their son Mack, who's a couple months older than James). Green grass. A fountain in the courtyard to splash in, a pool, dune buggies to ride, bikes with baby seats, and trails for walking. With James eating "normal" food now, we didn't have to worry about making his own food. He had ham croquettes, Spanish cheese, olives, lots of fruit plates, hamburger, and a lovely roast chicken. The kid ate pretty well! And the hotel had babysitters so we ate out two nights at different restaurants on the hotel grounds.

The flight home wasn't fun. James didn't want to sit still for a single minute and the aisles on EasyJet planes are NOT wide, so walking around with him was tricky... some people are more tolerant of little baby hands on their legs than others. And we discovered that James likes to pat people's heads when he sees them from above - especially bald ones. But it was "only" three hours, so we survived and were still really happy that we made the trip.

It was also really fun traveling with another family. Having them around to hang out with and James having a friend to play with was great. Wish we had more friends with babies over here to travel with! You Americans need to make the cross-Atlantic journey to spend your summer in Europe!!! :) Our next adventure is to Iceland at the end of April for 9 days, then Verona in June for a few days. Hopefully both of these trips will continue the good streak we're on after Spain!

Here are some highlights of the pictures we took, but the full set is on Flickr as usual.

The hotel

View from the top of the hill in Antequera

Ric and James in The Alhambra

Wandering around the Alhambra

Rachel and James

Playing in the courtyard

Beautiful buildings!

At the hotel, being funny

Enjoying a fruit plate while mom and dad enjoy a glass of wine


The fam

James and Mack playing in the fountain

Ric and James ready to ride in the dune buggy


Sara Parr said...

Dying laughing at this: "And we discovered that James likes to pat people's heads when he sees them from above - especially bald ones. " I can just picture it!

Rob Y said...

Yikes! I hope I didn't have anything to do with that :-)

Great pictures!!