Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Long time no see

Wow, it's been almost four weeks since the Bremer blog was last updated. I hope we're not losing our loyal fan base and apologize for the silence... Ric and I emailed or spoke with most of you after returning from Africa, so I thought a full update on the blog might be a little redundant. And then my dad came to London for a visit and that has certainly kept us busy! He had a fun trip and even managed to see snow on Saturday (the most snowfall London has seen in April in 20 years). According to him, however, the biggest accomplishment was hitting every single pub in Hampstead. Followed only by seeing the Olympic torch (and the associated protests) almost by accident. We literally came out of the tube at Parliament, our intended sightseeing target, and found out from one of the hundreds of police officers that the torch was passing in 20 minutes. No more than 5 minutes later, we saw it coming with a huge crowd of protesters huddled around and following behind. I was shocked that people were allowed to get so close. It was certainly an interesting sight and a little sad that the running of the torch and the Olympic athletes were completely overshadowed by political protests.

We have a pretty quiet weekend planned, yay, and then head off to Stockholm next Friday.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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