Friday, April 11, 2008


For the first 9 or 10 months of living in London, I didn't think the weather was that bad. Sure, it rained almost every single day in June and July. And yes, the temperatures were in the 40s and 50s during what was supposed to be summer. But we were coming from San Francisco, which isn't much different. And the winter months weren't that bad... it got cold, but it was winter, it's supposed to be cold! And it didn't rain much, so we just bundled up and enjoyed the changing of the seasons, the festive holiday lights, the warm fires in the pub. Well, now it's April, and we're getting rain and cold. And snow (on Saturday). And hail (which just stopped a couple minutes ago). It was in the 70s in Cape Town when we were there, Amanda said it was 79 in Atlanta, and mom reported a comfortable 75 and sunny from Charlottesville. So now that it seems like the rest of the world is enjoying the beginnings of spring, it's getting harder and harder to put on the heavy winter coat, then grab the scarf, the earmuffs, the gloves, and the umbrella, all before heading out. I'm not quite as upbeat about the weather these days, but I guess that just makes me a true Londoner!

In other news, we're going to see Salman Rushdie speak about his new book - The Enchantress of Florence on Sunday. Here's a review in the
Times Online. That, plus dinner on Saturday is all we have planned, so looking forward to a little R&R...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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