Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We do love our visitors, and are currently enjoying spending time with Sara and Jeff, great friends (and loyal Bremer Blog readers) from San Francisco. They are completely impressing us with the sheer number of touristy activities that they've managed to fit into a couple days of sight-seeing. I'm hoping to get a full list (which I'll post here)... mainly so Ric and I know where to go! Special kudos to Jeff who spent a lot of time flipping through the Rick Steves London tour book and did a great job of coordinating full itineraries for their visit. I hope they spent a little time relaxing this afternoon in Hampstead, before leaving tomorrow for a few days in Paris.

I'll post a few pictures here of our weekend activities, which included enjoying London's one warm and sunny day, and wandering through Hyde Park where the tuplips are in full bloom.

In the meantime, here are some great photos from our last vistor's trip to London - my dad! He got great shots of Hampstead, and of course, the pubs...




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