Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Salman Rushdie

Just wanted to put in a plug for Salman Rushdie's new historic novel - The Enchantress of Florence. We saw him speak on Sunday night and it was extremely interesting and entertaining. He's one of the most well spoken people I've ever heard and is amazing at distilling huge concepts (like religion and freedom of speech) into concise statements.

This novel sounds different than his previous ones, but intriguing all the same. Our copy just arrived from Amazon, and I'm guessing it will take a fair amount of time to get through. But once Ric or I finishes it, we'll let you know what we thought (I can't imagine we'll be anything but impressed).

On the topic of books, here are a few that we've read lately and really enjoyed... let me know what your current favorites are!

Don't Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight - the true story of an African childhood

Charlie Wilson's War - Ric said the book was amazing, and it sounds like it was even better than the movie

Inheritance of Loss - a Booker prize winner and amazing story about a family and a house in the Himalayas. Great characters

God of Small Things - another Booker prize winner. Really unique writing style, very lyrical

Half of a Yellow Sun - Ric just finished this and loved it. The story is set in Africa and is told through the eyes of three different characters

And if you haven't read it yet, Ric and I both really liked
A Thousand Splendid Suns, the second novel from the writer who did The Kite Runner.


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