Monday, May 12, 2008


Brits love abbreviations... it didn't take me long to learn this simple fact, or start incorporating some of the better ones into my own vocab (aka vocabulary). Here's short list of the most common ones I hear:

Brekkies = breakfast (as in, "sausage and mash for brekkies? why not!")

Telly = television (as in, "quick, turn on the telly, another episode of Friends is on!")

Veg = vegetables (as in, "make sure to get your five-a-day of fruit and veg")

Brolley = umbrella (as in, "in London, you never leave the house without a brolley")

Adverts = advertisements (as in, "they sure do play a lot of adverts during Desperate Housewives")

Brill = brilliant (as in, "brekkies at the club? Brill.")

On a related note, I've heard a lot of "phone tennis" over here instead of "phone tag." Same idea, different recreational activity.

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