Sunday, May 11, 2008


We've had gorgeous weather this weekend... about 80 degrees and sunny both days... so I took advantage of that, as well as Ric being out of town, to plant flowers and clean up the back porch (after laying in the park and having a picnic lunch, of course). I think they turned out pretty well, but I'll let you judge for yourself!

Back porch:

Front porch:


j said...

Love the flowers! They look great! I hope you didn't get any trouble from the neighbors if you used any non-organic planting materials ;)

TwitterUK said...

Thanks! It was a fun afternoon outside... I actually picked all the weeds off both front and back porches by hand (no nasty, un-friendly weed killer here) so hopefully the neighbors will be pleased!

Sara Parr said...

WOW! You were inspired! Looks them.