Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jet lag

I have a lot of admiration for all our US visitors who have come to London and not skipped a beat, time zone wise (Sara was the most recent example of this - she was amazing!). I, on the other hand, take 2-3 days to recover from a trip to the east coast. I got back on Monday morning, slept for two hours, and have been trying to recover since then. Feeling pretty close to normal this afternoon, but still a little foggy.

Had a great time at Donna's wedding, though, and it was fun to see some of the Spark crew. After a cold and rainy Friday, the weather cleared up and Saturday was gorgeous. I also managed to eat a lot of American food while I was back for 36 hours, including a big juicy burger, a deli sandwich, and chicken parm. Ric was more than a little jealous.

Here are a few pics:

Beautiful day!

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Burke

Me and Sayula


To cap off our crazy month of non-stop travel, we head to Hong Kong on Friday, then Dubai next week. We've heard really great things about both places and can't wait to actually see them in person. Especially because we're already telling people that we want to move to Hong Kong next, without ever having been there... just a small technicality...


Rob Y said...

You both give entirely new meaning to the term "jet-set" :-)

It's truly great to vicariously travel through the two of you!

Sara Parr said...

Yay, I love getting Bremer Blog shout outs!!