Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Just got back from a great weekend in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Matthew and I went on Friday morning and Ric met us there Saturday afternoon. We had amazing weather the whole time and ended up spending most of the days lying right by the water on the Adriatic with a gorgeous view of the Elaphiti Islands. Didn't plan on this being a "lay by the water" kind of vacation, but in hindsight I'm really glad it turned out that way. It was super relaxing, sunny, warm, and great to spend time with the husband and little bro.

We did walk around the Old Town, but it's so small that it takes less than an hour to pretty much see everything. The best part was finding a little bar on the rocks that we had heard about from some friends. You basically walk through a little doorway in the wall (that surrounds the entire Old Town) and pop out on the other side, right on the edge of the cliffs. There's a little bar that serves mediocre wine and Croatia beer, but has the most amazing views.

One of the biggest surprises was how expensive everything was. They've definitely figured out that Croatia is a tourist hot spot and have priced the food accordingly. At our hotel and any of the restaurants near Old Town, a fish platter for two was $200!!! And lobster for one was about $80. We couldn't believe it. I really thought Croatia would be relatively inexpensive. But things cost more than they do in London! We luckily found a nice little restaurant off the beaten path, called Eden, where prices were more reasonable. Ate there two out of three nights!

A great trip overall and our pictures are up on Flickr:
Here are just a few to get you started:

Dubrovnik Old Town

Matthew enjoying a gelato
The sign pointing the way to Buza Bar

View from Buza Bar
Ric and Rachel enjoying the sun
View from Buza Bar
One of the many restaurants at our hotel
Saying goodbye to Dubrovnik Palace

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