Tuesday, August 19, 2008

29 Under 29

Ric reporting here (yes, I know my posts are few and far between), but I've saved my posting for some big news...and I have it for all those loyal Bremer blog readers out there:

Rachel has been been named one of the top 29 PR professionals under 29 by PR Week magazine!!!!

PR Week is the leading PR publication in the world so this is a huge honor. Let me be the first to say it is well-deserved and if there had been a Top 24 under 24 years ago (as I remember supporting) and then Top 25 under...well you get the point, I'm sure she would've been named in all of those as well!

What's the next step you ask? She just got word today but they are arranging a photo shoot which will include more than likely some solo shots as well as an entire group photo.

Keep a close eye on the Bremer blog for all the developments, including links to the final results as they're printed. Congratulations Rachel!!!!


Sara Parr said...

OMG, that's AWESOME!!!!! And not surprising in the slightest! Congrats Rachel - well deserved!

TwitterUK said...

Thanks Sara! Very fun! :)

Amanda Shailendra said...

Rach - this is so exciting! I am not surprised at all, but definitely very impressed. What an honor!