Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hello from Charlottesville!

Just a quick note to say hi from the east coast (in the great old US of A). Spending the week with family before heading to New Orleans for a fun little bachelorette weekend. Can't wait! It has been hot and humid here all week, but I'm actually enjoying the Southern summer. It's nice not wondering whether it will be cold, hot, rainy, dry, windy (or all the the above) every day.

I've really been impressed with the quality of restaurants and bars here in C-ville. Great selection for such a small town. There's a cute new little area called Belmont where we had tapas one night (at Mas) and went to a jazz bar afterward. Also ate at an Indian place on the pedestrian mall, have frequented a new wine bar called Siips, and met up with Aunts, Uncles, and cousins at a cool local brewery called South Street. All very fun. Heading to grandparent's tonight for a yummy seafood caserole made with crab fresh from Norfolk, scallops and shrimp. Can't wait for the food and also excited about visiting our wedding site again.

Will post some pics when I get back to London.

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