Sunday, August 31, 2008

The photos are up!

After many hours in front of the laptop, our photos are finally online. I'll only put a few here to wet your whistle, but the whole set is on Flickr, so please check them out. It was amazing to be so close to so many amazing wild animals. The longer we've been home, the more it's sunk in just how incredible our experience was. Almost too much to really take in at the time.

Here's the link to Flickr:

Hope you enjoy...

Arriving in Kichwa Tembo

Our tent at Karen Blixen Camp

The elephant welcoming committee (this is the river that ran right behind our camp. Nice view for all of our meals!)

Ric and his new best friend

Quite a big boy...

The family of giraffes that liked to hang out right outside of our camp

Visiting a Masai village - the women come to greet us and Ric and I get in on the fun

Starting a fire with two sticks in the Masai village

Nairobi at sunset


bmason said...
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bmason said...


Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing. So extremely lucky to see things that the rest of humanity never even thinks about.