Sunday, November 16, 2008

And Oxford for the win!

Thank you very much to our single best reader, Sara, who responded right away to encourage us to visit Oxford on Saturday. Since Oxford won over the Imperial War Museum 1 to nothing, we really had no choice... we made it up there around 1pm on Saturday and had a great time visiting a bunch of pubs and wandering through small, quaint little streets. For any other potential Oxford visitors, our favorite pubs were The Bear and Old Bookbinders. Both had really low, old ceilings and were full of personality and British beer.

I'm very happy that I've now been to Oxford. It's really English and pretty, but almost everything is behind a wall or gate that you have to pay extra to see. I understand that college kids don't want tourists invading their areas every weekend, but it was a little weird to walk around the town and feel like we weren't actually seeing anything up close. The biggest, most important library in the world, for example, was only accessible by signing up in advance for an hour long tour. We peeked through a few different fences, and paid money to eat sandwiches in the botanical gardens, but I would say that Oxford is definitely best experienced with a student.

Back to watching our favorite new show which is Stephen Frye traveling across America... he's in Humboldt County tonight, so it reminds me of my last home :)

Pictures to come...

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