Monday, November 24, 2008


I really love Dublin. Everyone there was so friendly, it's a great size (easy to find your way around, manageable), we had really good food, and it was of course very festive and Christmasy! All in all, a great weekend...

Matthew and I did a "Hop On Hop Off" bus tour the first day and saw all of the major sites. We then went back to the Guinness Brewery (as you'll see from about half of the photos below), were treated to dinner that night by a friend from London (who's part owner in a restaurant in Dublin), then did a mini pub tour to get a feel for Irish pubs. They were really, really crowded, but fun. Heard Irish music in one, sampled Guiness (which supposedly tastes different depending on what pub you're in) and even chatted with a few Irish people. Then on Sunday we just wandered around... feeling like we already knew the whole city. We saw Trinity College and its amazing library. In it, there's a book called The Book of Kells which was thought to have been written in 800AD. Talk about old. It was pretty amazing.

Thanks to Matthew for encouraging me to come up with him for the weekend, we had a great time!

St. Catherine's church


Busy streets

Street stalls... a really old law says that these vendors don't have to pay taxes. The licenses for the stalls get passed down through fmailies, so the people selling at these stands can trace their linage back hundreds of years based on the license.

Art from the local college

St. Patrick's Cathedral - under renovation and closed for the day due to graduation ceremonies

Where the magic happens

The electric plant that supplies power to the brewery - yes, they provide their own power in case the national energy grid goes down, Guinness will still be brewed

In the Tasting Lab where you can try Guinness that's not available outside. We had a "medium strength" version

The perfect pour takes 2 minutes exactly

It really does taste better here! From the bar at the top of the brewery

It was packed!

Great 360 degree view of Dublin

Trinity College

Festive lights on Grafton Street


Sara Parr said...

How fun! You look really cute in the pics :)

Rob Y said...

Dublin looks like a really fun place! I guess I'll have to put it on my bucket list :)

TwitterUK said...

Thanks Sara!

And dad - you should definitely go at some point! Maybe we'll make a weekend of it next time you're over here. So much to do!