Friday, November 21, 2008

Yay for visitors!

Got to see the little bro last night in London... here are a few pics from our evening of visiting very cool pubs (both Matthew and Ric were impressed with my selections... The Eagle and The Eastern), having a big hearty meal at The Quality Chop House, and just catching up. On an impulse, I decided to spend the weekend with Matthew in Dublin, which works out well since Ric leaves for NYC tomorrow. Can't wait to visit Ireland for the first time!

Yummm... jellied eels at The Quality Chop House (yes, that was actually on the menu and no, we didn't order them)

Aces! At the Eastern...

Thoughtful gaze at The Flask...

Brothers in law!

Scenes from The Flask pub in Hampstead

Toasting a great evening

Yum, Guinness (and a Bombardier)

Ladies and Gents, brothers and sisters...

1 comment:

Sara Parr said...

Cute! Little brothers love to pose for pics, don't they?! :) Can't WAIT to hear about Dublin!!