Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Annual travel report from Dopplr is a great site for anyone who travels frequently... it's beautifully designed and lets you do a lot of cool things, like get tips about the places you're going and find out if other people in your network are going to be in the same place as you at any point. And they now create a personal annual report based on everything you've entered over the past year. I just looked at mine and it's pretty cool. There are a few things missing, but it gives a great snapshot of the miles we traveled in 2008... I'm going to be better about entering every trip this year so it should be a complete look at everywhere we've been.

Here's a link to the report if you want to see it:

If you sign up and "friend" me you'll be able keep track of where Ric and I are in the world at any given time :) And even cooler, the Dopplr team works right next to me in MOO's office!

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