Monday, February 2, 2009


London got more snow today than anytime in the past 18 years and the entire city has pretty much shut down. You can tell that heavy snow isn't a common occurrence becuase they suspended all bus services, most tube lines are down, and very few trains in and out of town are running. Luckily we made it back from Paris on the Eurostar this morning okay, but when we arrived at King's Crossed it was closed and we had to walk down to Euston to get anywhere. As you might imagine, the Heath is gorgeous and packed with snowman builders, sledders and snowball fighters.

Here are a few pics, with the whole set on Flickr:

Holly Bush, of course...


Anonymous said...

Wow, love your snow pictures, I have managed to take a few snaps this morning before heading for work. I will post them on my blog here later.

You have a nice blog, and I will add it to my RSS.


TwitterUK said...

Thanks Helen!

Rob Y said...

Rach, the snow looks gorgeous! Nice pictures!
