Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bits and bobs

Just a quick little smattering of updates from the weekend:

1. Le Gavroche - we've been wanting to eat at this restaurant almost since we moved to London and finally went 0n Friday night (celebrating Valentine's Day a night early, minus the crowds, inflated prices, and set menus). It was delicious, but very old school French. LOTS of cream, cheese, heavy cream, double cream, and m0re cheese. Not that I have anything against either of those ingredients. Really happy we went and can check it off our list!

2. Hampstead Theater - for actual Valentine's Day, we went to a play at the Hampstead Theater, which was celebrating its 50 year anniversary by showing the same play it did when it opened. We were the youngest people in the crowd by about 50 years, but the play was amazing. It was called Private Lives and Ric and I haven't laughed that hard in ages.

3. La Vie En Rose - over a plate of home-cooked chicken parm (Ric's own special recipe) we watched La Vie En Rose, the life story of Edith Piaf. We were both surprised by how good the movie was and how much we liked it. I didn't know much about Edith Piaf going into this movie, but it was really well made, the singing was fantastic, and the story very interesting. We both loved it and would highly recommend!

4. Recipes - have a couple new things that I've tried out lately that you might like... Lomo Saltado (Peruvian dish with rice, french fries, and steak) and a yummy mac and cheese with cauliflower. Will find the recipes online and post them next week.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Summer's just around the corner, so start planning your visits! :)

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