Thursday, February 12, 2009


It's sunny in London today and, while still bitterly cold, I can actually see a color in the sky other than gray. This is very exciting.

I realize that all I've been writing about lately is the weather, but there really isn't much else going on. We've had a couple low key weekends (after a great trip to Paris) and are really trying to focus on training for Lisbon becuase we're a little behind. While much of that is a lack of motivation on our part (when it's pitch black outside and zero degrees), the weather (yes, we're back on the weather) hasn't helped this year either. Last year when we were training for Cape Town, there were a handful of days when we got rained out, but no more. This year we've had a ton of rain and snow, making it harder to get into a consistent routine. But no excuses! We're getting into crunch time and need to ramp up from the 6 1/2 miles that we're doing on the weekends. Please help us wish for no more snow!
The race is March 22nd, so we've got about five more weeks to go...


Rob Y said...

No more snow! No more snow! I sure understand the cold, dark non-motivation thing!! :)


bmason said...

Snow is a wonderful thing! I hope you have yak trax!