Monday, October 26, 2009

It slices AND it dices...

After months of debate, research, and informal polling (of friends and strangers), we finally made the all important stroller decision over the weekend. The first step was actually learning to call it a buggy, instead of a stroller, and then we had to sort through the seemingly endless options. I know this is cliche, but it really is like buying a car. We actually kicked the tires and talked about the resale value, in addition to its off road capabilities.

We're both happy with the one we settled on - the Mountain Buggy Urban, in navy... it will work as a running buggy, is rugged enough for strolls through the Heath, and is comparatively lightweight and easy to fold.

I think Ric's been more excited about this than any other part of the baby process so far. Can't wait for it to be delivered!


Sara Parr said...

So exciting :)

Unknown said...

So what's the difference between a "buggy" and a "pram"?

TwitterUK said...

I think a pram is more like a little cot on wheels where the baby can lay down flat. But I asked a British person who said they're pretty much interchangeable these days. So you can call it a pram if you like that word better :)