Saturday, January 30, 2010

Six week check up

James went to the doctor on Wednesday for his six week check-up (he'll be seven weeks on Monday, hard to believe...). We went to a private GP in Hampstead and really liked the guy we saw. He runs his practice out of his big, gorgeous house. They don't do much at this visit... just check his belly button, move around his legs to make sure his hips are working, check the neck control, and listen to his heart/lungs. James was also measured (54 cms) and weighed (10 pounds 12 ounces, which means he gained 10 ounces in one week. Most books say if they're gaining 6-8 ounces a week they're doing great, so he's ahead of the game!).

The saddest part, however, was when he got his first immunization. We're following the US vaccine schedule, not the UK one, becuase we'll be back in the US once he starts school. So that meant that he had to get his first Hep B shot. It was really emotional (probably more so for Ric and I). He definitely screamed and cried when the shot went in. It's such a helpless feeling knowing he's in pain and not being able to do anything! But luckily, he wasn't unhappy for long. The next time we go, though, he has to get THREE separate shots. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle that...

Here are a couple pics from the doc visit and I've just put up some new ones on Flickr too (in the Pics of the Day set). Enjoy!

Visiting Dr. Brook...

After the shot


One surprising thing that's happened since James arrived is that I've seen a TON of movies in the theater. I always thought that was something that you never got to do anymore once you had a baby, but thanks to the amazing Baby Club at the Belsize Park and Hampstead movie theaters, I'm going more now than ever... pretty much once a week. Thought I'd give a quick recap of what I've seen lately in case anyone is interested...

Avatar - AMAZING. And I really didn't think I was going to like this. I'm not a huge sci-fi, special effects kind of person, but this movie really was incredible. It's super long and the 3D glasses take a little getting used to, but it really is spectacular. And one you HAVE to see in the theater, so go now!

Nine - kind of the opposite of Avatar, I was expecting to like this one a lot and it left me a little disappointed. It wasn't horrible... I did like all the musical numbers and the case is amazing. Plus, I'll watch anything with Daniel Day Lewis, but the story line never really hooked you in and it was just a little underwhelming.

Up In The Air - Ric and I both saw this one and enjoyed it. It's fairly sad, but George Clooney is good and it's an interesting story.

Brothers - a very emotional movie that we both saw as well and would highly recommend. It doesn't try to make a hugely political statement about the war, but that is a large part of the storyline. The acting was really, really good and the characters really pull you in. This is probably my second favorite movie after Avatar.

On tap for next week is Precious, which I've been dying to see. Can't wait!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big boy

James hit the five week milestone on Monday and we took him to the baby clinic at our local GP to get weighed. He's 10.2 pounds and right on track with where he should be. I also measured him and he's closing in on 23 inches!

We also stopped by Snappy Snaps while we were out to get his passport photos taken. Luckily, they have lots of experience taking photos of babies for American passports and knew just what to do. We laid him on some cushions on the floor with a white sheet on it. I put my hand under the sheet to hold his head straight and we snapped a pic while he actually had his eyes open. Tomorrow we travel to the embassy to officially report his birth so he's on the books in the US and apply for his passport.

Ric's on paternity leave now, so I'm still a lucky new mom with lots of help. It will be quite a change when he goes back to work and James and I are on our own!

Another new development is that James now likes to cry after he eats pretty much until we put him down for his nap now. We'll get a little bit of quiet time out of him, but then he starts a cry and will only quiet down if we hold or carry him around. That happens until he gets tired enough to be put down to nap. Not sure what's going on, but hoping it's only a phase that he'll grow out of!

Also - we're going to start posting videos on Flickr... the first one is up so take a look. He doesn't do a whole lot right now so they're not very exciting but we managed to capture a little throw up action on this first one. Yes, that's right. We're now posting videos of babies throwing up. Enjoy!! :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pic o' the day

Each day I take a picture of James and send it to Ric at work... the result is a lot of pictures of James, most of which look kind of the same. But there are a few cute ones in here so I uploaded them all to Flickr. Take a look if you're interested! There are also a few of the snow in the Heath and from the holidays, here are a couple highlights:

We went out to dinner!!!!

Four weeks ago, this wouldn't be such a big accomplishment, but now it's on the same level as sending a man to the moon. We've got an amazing babysitter with my mom in town, so we're thanking our lucky stars that she's here and taking as much advantage of the help as we can. We went to Scott's, which is a restaurant/oyster bar that we've been wanting to try for a while, but I couldn't eat oysters while I was preggers, so we never got around to going. All of this made the evening even more exciting... not only was I eating oysters again for the first time in a while, but also enjoying a glass (or two) of wine, and spending more than an hour away from the house (mom was well equipped at home with a bottle of milk for the little guy's evening feeding).

With all of this going for it, Scott's could have served us cold mash and I wouldn't have enjoyed it like it was the tasting menu at French Laundry. But not only did the restaurant itself pleasantly surprise me - white tablecloths, nice leather chairs, great service - but the food was outstanding as well. We started with a dozen oysters, four different kinds, all of wihch were delicious (they were French, not British), then shared seafood bisque and sea bass ceviche, and had Dover sole and John Dory for main courses. Both pieces of fish were simply prepared- Ric's grilled and my cooked in butter (yum). Then, just to drag out the evening a litlte bit longer, we ordered dessert- apple pie and a rhubarb crumble. All in all it was a wonderful evening. And we came home to a soundly sleeping James and the best babysitter in the whole world! Thanks mom!!!

(And in case you're wondering, we've booked another evening out before she leaves... dinner at The Ledbury on Wednesday, which is another place we've been dying to try. We'll let you know how it is!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Funny pic from NYE

For those of you who haven't seen this already... he's almost the exact size of a champagne bottle!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow! (again)

We're having our second snowfall of the year and this one is supposed to last for a while. As expected, the entire country is basically shutting down... inexplicably unprepared for cold weather and snow. We're not totally sure how the UK can be surprised by these weather conditions, since it's done this every year that we've lived here. And each year it's "the worst winter weather since ..." (fill in the blank). But history is repeating itself and trains have shut down, Gatwick is closed, several tube lines are either closed or running with severe delays and I heard on the radio that 44% of the UK workforce is "working from home" today.

For those of us hanging out at home anyway, it's really pretty and gives a very nice, cozy backdrop for ongoing winter hibernation.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

James's first movie

At the local movie theaters (in Hampstead and Belsize Park) they show films during the day in something called Baby Club. It's a time when new moms with little babies can come to the movies and not feel bad about their little ones crying! I went with James today for the first time and it was great. We saw Avatar with the 3d glasses (just for me, James didn't get a pair) and he slept the whole time except when I woke him up to eat. I loved it and will be going back as much as possible!

Here are a few pictures...

James in his seat at the theater... obviously very inthralled by Avatar:

Getting a snack before the show:

After our first successful movie (he's burried in there somewhere...):