Saturday, January 30, 2010

Six week check up

James went to the doctor on Wednesday for his six week check-up (he'll be seven weeks on Monday, hard to believe...). We went to a private GP in Hampstead and really liked the guy we saw. He runs his practice out of his big, gorgeous house. They don't do much at this visit... just check his belly button, move around his legs to make sure his hips are working, check the neck control, and listen to his heart/lungs. James was also measured (54 cms) and weighed (10 pounds 12 ounces, which means he gained 10 ounces in one week. Most books say if they're gaining 6-8 ounces a week they're doing great, so he's ahead of the game!).

The saddest part, however, was when he got his first immunization. We're following the US vaccine schedule, not the UK one, becuase we'll be back in the US once he starts school. So that meant that he had to get his first Hep B shot. It was really emotional (probably more so for Ric and I). He definitely screamed and cried when the shot went in. It's such a helpless feeling knowing he's in pain and not being able to do anything! But luckily, he wasn't unhappy for long. The next time we go, though, he has to get THREE separate shots. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle that...

Here are a couple pics from the doc visit and I've just put up some new ones on Flickr too (in the Pics of the Day set). Enjoy!

Visiting Dr. Brook...

After the shot

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