Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big boy

James hit the five week milestone on Monday and we took him to the baby clinic at our local GP to get weighed. He's 10.2 pounds and right on track with where he should be. I also measured him and he's closing in on 23 inches!

We also stopped by Snappy Snaps while we were out to get his passport photos taken. Luckily, they have lots of experience taking photos of babies for American passports and knew just what to do. We laid him on some cushions on the floor with a white sheet on it. I put my hand under the sheet to hold his head straight and we snapped a pic while he actually had his eyes open. Tomorrow we travel to the embassy to officially report his birth so he's on the books in the US and apply for his passport.

Ric's on paternity leave now, so I'm still a lucky new mom with lots of help. It will be quite a change when he goes back to work and James and I are on our own!

Another new development is that James now likes to cry after he eats pretty much until we put him down for his nap now. We'll get a little bit of quiet time out of him, but then he starts a cry and will only quiet down if we hold or carry him around. That happens until he gets tired enough to be put down to nap. Not sure what's going on, but hoping it's only a phase that he'll grow out of!

Also - we're going to start posting videos on Flickr... the first one is up so take a look. He doesn't do a whole lot right now so they're not very exciting but we managed to capture a little throw up action on this first one. Yes, that's right. We're now posting videos of babies throwing up. Enjoy!! :)

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