Saturday, January 9, 2010

We went out to dinner!!!!

Four weeks ago, this wouldn't be such a big accomplishment, but now it's on the same level as sending a man to the moon. We've got an amazing babysitter with my mom in town, so we're thanking our lucky stars that she's here and taking as much advantage of the help as we can. We went to Scott's, which is a restaurant/oyster bar that we've been wanting to try for a while, but I couldn't eat oysters while I was preggers, so we never got around to going. All of this made the evening even more exciting... not only was I eating oysters again for the first time in a while, but also enjoying a glass (or two) of wine, and spending more than an hour away from the house (mom was well equipped at home with a bottle of milk for the little guy's evening feeding).

With all of this going for it, Scott's could have served us cold mash and I wouldn't have enjoyed it like it was the tasting menu at French Laundry. But not only did the restaurant itself pleasantly surprise me - white tablecloths, nice leather chairs, great service - but the food was outstanding as well. We started with a dozen oysters, four different kinds, all of wihch were delicious (they were French, not British), then shared seafood bisque and sea bass ceviche, and had Dover sole and John Dory for main courses. Both pieces of fish were simply prepared- Ric's grilled and my cooked in butter (yum). Then, just to drag out the evening a litlte bit longer, we ordered dessert- apple pie and a rhubarb crumble. All in all it was a wonderful evening. And we came home to a soundly sleeping James and the best babysitter in the whole world! Thanks mom!!!

(And in case you're wondering, we've booked another evening out before she leaves... dinner at The Ledbury on Wednesday, which is another place we've been dying to try. We'll let you know how it is!

1 comment:

Sara Parr said...

Love this post!!!

Great pic of your mom and James too!