Saturday, January 30, 2010


One surprising thing that's happened since James arrived is that I've seen a TON of movies in the theater. I always thought that was something that you never got to do anymore once you had a baby, but thanks to the amazing Baby Club at the Belsize Park and Hampstead movie theaters, I'm going more now than ever... pretty much once a week. Thought I'd give a quick recap of what I've seen lately in case anyone is interested...

Avatar - AMAZING. And I really didn't think I was going to like this. I'm not a huge sci-fi, special effects kind of person, but this movie really was incredible. It's super long and the 3D glasses take a little getting used to, but it really is spectacular. And one you HAVE to see in the theater, so go now!

Nine - kind of the opposite of Avatar, I was expecting to like this one a lot and it left me a little disappointed. It wasn't horrible... I did like all the musical numbers and the case is amazing. Plus, I'll watch anything with Daniel Day Lewis, but the story line never really hooked you in and it was just a little underwhelming.

Up In The Air - Ric and I both saw this one and enjoyed it. It's fairly sad, but George Clooney is good and it's an interesting story.

Brothers - a very emotional movie that we both saw as well and would highly recommend. It doesn't try to make a hugely political statement about the war, but that is a large part of the storyline. The acting was really, really good and the characters really pull you in. This is probably my second favorite movie after Avatar.

On tap for next week is Precious, which I've been dying to see. Can't wait!

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