Monday, November 8, 2010


James had another shot today - the third, and final Hep B vaccine. Now that he's bigger, more aware of what's going on, and stronger (!), it's a much more difficult process. He was very brave, though, and after some pretty serious tears he recovered quite quickly. This time he sat in my lap facing me while the doc jabbed one of his legs, so I was a lot closer to the action than before... that certainly made it harder as well!

He's got two more at 12 months, two at 13 months, and then a chicken pox vaccine. After that we're done until he's 4. Poor little guy! I'm sure he knows it's for his own good, though :) We also found out today that we can start transitioning him off formula onto "real" milk around 12 months. We stop sterilizing bottles then too. It will make things much easier!

We've posted a couple new videos on Flickr of him laughing hysterically... only Ana can get him to laugh like that. Ric and I get a few chuckles, but she gets these huge belly laughs. It's really amazing!!

1 comment:

Rob Y said...

The videos of James laughing are fantastic! Impossible to watch without laughing :)