Thursday, November 11, 2010

We're moving!

Down the street! I know it's not as far as moving back to the US, but it's a pretty big deal for us. If you've been to visit our house, you'll understand what a special place it is and why we felt so settled here, after 3 1/2 years. But the little man is taking up an increasing amount of space and we're just bursting at the seams. There was also the chance that we wouldn't be able to renew our lease when it comes up again in May, and rather than waiting until then to determine our fate, we decided to go ahead and commit to a change.

Luckily, we didn't have to leave the neighborhood that we love... we're just heading down the hill to South End Green (a different part of Hampstead). It's about a 10 minute walk from where we are now, but even closer to the Heath, which is great!

The new place is not a stand alone house... it's the second and third floors of a terraced house (British for "row house," as I was told today). There are three bedrooms and a nice patio area outside. James will have his own playroom, which we're all excited about... especially Ana!
I've included some pics of the outside and the street below. We move in on December 9th - please come and visit soon!

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