Monday, July 11, 2011

How time flies!

It's been a busy few weeks in the Bremer household... Ric finally took his certification test (and hopefully passed), which means that he'd have the UK government's blessing to run a financial planning team (or something along those lines...). I started a new job and spent a week in SF doing orientation and meeting my new team. Ric's mom came to visit and we all went to Verona for a few days (which was basically a non stop food and wine fest). And I've had my first week with the new team in London.

Oh, and even more importantly... this weekend James ate Indian food for the first time (loved it), had Persian food for the first time (loved it) and saw live music for the first time (did his cute "guitar" motion which is basically wiggling his fingers in front of his tummy).

Will post pictures shortly, but wanted to get a quick update done before another three weeks go by!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Most of you know this already, but after nine amazing years at Sparkpr, I will be leaving to join a new company... it's not normal these days for people to stay with one company for so long, but both Ric and I were lucky to end up in places that we loved right out of school. Our jobs have given us many opportunities to grow and learn new things, and we've been able to live in what I think are two of the best cities in the world. I will miss Spark very much and the change is scary, but it's time. And who knows, maybe after a couple years, with new experiences under my belt, I'll come back to Spark better than ever...

This also means that we get to stay in London for another couple years at least. We weren't quite sure whether that was the case with Spark, so in this new job it will be nice knowing that we don't have to go anywhere for a while. We love our new house, James is really settled in, and life in London is pretty good. So it makes sense for us to stick around a bit longer. Once we leave, that's it! Unless we get British citizenship I guess... Now we've just got to get him into a school...

James is growing like a weed and turning more into a "little boy" every day. He's very happy and calm most of the time, but he sure knows what he wants. Which is usually food of some sort. He loves reading his books, running around outside, going down slides, and doing "grown up" things like wearing shoes. He's also gotten pretty good at naming things - eyes, nose, ear, mouth - and making animal noises (when he's in the mood he can do a pretty good rooster, elephant, tiger/lion, and cat). He also points at every baby that he sees now and says "bay bay". It's very cute.

Ric's been busy studying for a big finance certification exam (or something like that) for the past month. It basically means we haven't seen much of him lately. But hopefully that will all be done in the next two weeks. Then we get to celebrate a wonderful visit from his mom and we're all jumping on a plane together to spend a few days in Italy.
After cold rainy days in London for most of the summer, we're definitely looking forward to some sun.

And for all of you not on Twitter, sign up and follow me!!/rbremer

Sunday, May 8, 2011


James got his first case of strep throat this week.... it's really the first time he's been sick sick. After days of extremely high fevers (like 102 degrees) and multiple trips to the doctor, we finally pinpointed the cause and got him on antibiotics. The good news is that he seems to be feeling 100% better (see photo below for proof that he's back to his old self). The bad news is that he's broken out in red bumps, which the doc thinks means he's allergic to the medicine he's on. We're going back again this afternoon to try a different antibiotic.

London vacation

Ric and I had a nice little vacation in London this weekend. I was going to surprise him with dinner and a night in the newly opened Boundary Hotel on Friday, but James's case of strep throat threw a wrench into that plan. So we postponed things (and I told him what I had been secretly planning) and headed to East London on Saturday evening. Another kink in the works came when we checked into the hotel, only to find out that they had given our room away (a long, un-interesting story that I won't bore you with here...). We ended up in the Hoxton, right down the road, so all was not lost. We still managed to have dinner at the Boundary and were both pleasantly surprised with the restaurant. Very cool atmosphere, and yummy food. The highlight was definitely the charcuterie tray, from which we got to pick and choose the terrines, charcuterie, rillettes and accompaniments that we wanted for an appetizer. Delicious! We also sampled some English and Scottish oysters (preferring the Scottish variety), and Ric enjoyed bone marrow and snails, alongside his beef fillet. I went for the less adventurous, but equally tasty Dover Sole.

The next morning, after a great night's sleep and no alarm clock waking us up at 7am, we headed back to the Boundary to have breakfast at their Albion cafe. It was nice to have a little time to ourselves and the night is something we'd definitely like to do again!

In front of the Hoxton Hotel

Breakfast at the Albion Cafe

Monday, April 18, 2011

The moral of the story is....

Ric and I bought James a few new books this weekend, including Jack and the Beanstalk. I'm not sure how many of you have read this story recently, but we were both surprised at the lessons it teaches. To recap:

1. Jack and his mom are poor, so Jack heads to the market to sell their last cow
2. Instead of doing what his mom asked, he trades the cow for magic beans from some crazy man on the street
3. The beans grown into a beanstalk, and Jack climbs to the top - where, for two consecutive days, he robs the giant living at the top of all his gold
4. The giant tries to chase Jack after the second ransacking, but Jack cuts down the beanstalk and gets away scott free

So kids, if you ever need money, trust a crazy old man who tells you his beans are magic. And steal as much gold as you need, because you'll get away with it! That's way better than making an honest living...

Too funny!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We're finally getting around to uploading our pictures from Spain! We had a great time, it was much better than Paris and I think the lesson was that countryside beats city when it comes to traveling with James. We stayed at a hotel out in the middle of nowhere... about a 45 minute drive from the Malaga airport and 45 minutes from Granada. It was perfect! Lots of room for James and his buddy Mack to run around (we went with Evan and Lexa and their son Mack, who's a couple months older than James). Green grass. A fountain in the courtyard to splash in, a pool, dune buggies to ride, bikes with baby seats, and trails for walking. With James eating "normal" food now, we didn't have to worry about making his own food. He had ham croquettes, Spanish cheese, olives, lots of fruit plates, hamburger, and a lovely roast chicken. The kid ate pretty well! And the hotel had babysitters so we ate out two nights at different restaurants on the hotel grounds.

The flight home wasn't fun. James didn't want to sit still for a single minute and the aisles on EasyJet planes are NOT wide, so walking around with him was tricky... some people are more tolerant of little baby hands on their legs than others. And we discovered that James likes to pat people's heads when he sees them from above - especially bald ones. But it was "only" three hours, so we survived and were still really happy that we made the trip.

It was also really fun traveling with another family. Having them around to hang out with and James having a friend to play with was great. Wish we had more friends with babies over here to travel with! You Americans need to make the cross-Atlantic journey to spend your summer in Europe!!! :) Our next adventure is to Iceland at the end of April for 9 days, then Verona in June for a few days. Hopefully both of these trips will continue the good streak we're on after Spain!

Here are some highlights of the pictures we took, but the full set is on Flickr as usual.

The hotel

View from the top of the hill in Antequera

Ric and James in The Alhambra

Wandering around the Alhambra

Rachel and James

Playing in the courtyard

Beautiful buildings!

At the hotel, being funny

Enjoying a fruit plate while mom and dad enjoy a glass of wine


The fam

James and Mack playing in the fountain

Ric and James ready to ride in the dune buggy

Injured reserve

Looks like I'm going to be out on injured reserve for a little while until we can figure out what I've done to my knee. I wish I had a cool story like I hurt myself heli skiing in Switzerland or cliff jumping in Costa Rica, but it's much less exciting than that... After taking about two years off from running I decided to get back in the game. I had it all worked out... the timing worked out well with my schedule, the distance wasn't too long or too short, and I got to run through the Heath in the morning with it's beautiful scenery. Perfect! Except going from no running to four days a week didn't agree with my body and as a result I have excruciating pain in my left knee. I saw a doctor today who referred me to a knee specialist, where I'll have to get an MRI. Hopefully it's nothing that some rest and physio can't take care of, but better to be safe than sorry.

In the meantime, I'll have to keep my exploration of Heath to a slow walk...