Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey watch 2008

All the way across the pond in Hampstead - where the Americans are out and about, buying wine, pies, stuffing, and looking for turkeys high and low - we're smack in the middle of Turkey Watch 2008. After lots of coaching from moms and grandmothers, we've taken the first (kind of weird) step of pulling out all the little remaining feathers from the bird (there were lots) and soaking it in a salt bath. Ma-Maw said that when she was growing up on the farm her mom used to light newspaper on fire and singe off the feathers, but I think that might be against the Hampstead fire code, so we just pulled them out one by one. As you can see below, Mr. Turkey is now quite comfortable in a cool bath of salty water. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Turkey Watch - 2008.


j said...

Wow, I'm impressed! I just ordered my turkey pre-prepared from Rosslyn Hill Deli! I feel like such a slacker now. I'm sure yours will taste better, though :).

Happy Thanksgiving!

TwitterUK said...

Thanks! I'm holding judgment until we see how all of this tastes... Happy Thanksgiving to you too!