Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunny day in the Heath

Ric and I took a nice walk in the Heath yesterday to celebrate the fairly warm (50 degrees), sunny day. We stumbled upon a race that turned out to be the English Cross Country National Championships. There were a ton of people running - all in uniforms representing different clubs - and they were covered head to toe in mud. It hasn't rained much here lately, so we're not totally sure where the mud came from, but the Heath was definitely a huge mud puddle. And these guys were running right through it. The distance was about 12K, so not too far, but the numerous hills were taking their toll.

Here are some pictures:

The first signs of spring:


bmason said...

How much fun is this! I would love to have stumbled upon this race. Only in the Heath! Thanks for the great pics.

TwitterUK said...

It was really fun, and such a perfect Heath day. Made me miss summer even more, though! Ready for concerts and picnics again :)