Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Today is my first day back at work after 4 1/2 months of maternity leave. The last few months since James was born have both flown by and seemed to drag on forever. I remember those first days/weeks feeling like every minute was lasting at least a day. It was all so new and so hard to adjust to. Every day was exactly the same and I felt like my old life completely disappeared. And I had liked my old life! A lot! But then the little man and I got to know each other a little better. And he started to smile (and smile, and smile, and smile). And he started developing his own personality. And I learned more about what he likes and doesn't like. And I learned more about his crying... when he's just being fussy, when something's wrong, when he's tired, hungry, etc. And we kind of worked out our own new life together. And it wasn't too bad. But of course, as I've also learned since having a baby, just when you think you've got something figured out, it changes. So, fittingly, just when I thought I had started to get the hang of this mom thing, it's time for another big change. Working. In honor of that change, I thought I would list a few of the things I missed while I was on mat leave, some things I didn't miss, and the things that I will now miss as a working mom.

What I missed:

1. Walking around without having to PLAN to do so. And get "packed" before leaving to go anywhere. And think about what time it is before I leave and figure out when I need to be back

2. Walking around without a little person attached to me - either literally or figuratively

3. The technology industry - I never thought this would make the list, but after working in the tech world for almost 8 years, I actually missed knowing what was going on

4. Feeling like some part of my life is my own

5. Having things to talk about other than baby updates

6. The fruit stand guy where I get my daily banana

7. The salmon salad at Itsu for lunch

8. Getting dressed every day in something other than jeans and a gray sweater

What I didn't miss:

1. The bathroom at work

2. The tube during commuting hours

3. The sheer quantity of work email

4. Having to get dressed every day and pick out something other than jeans and a gray sweater

What I will miss:

1. The little man (of course)

2. Walking around Hampstead with him in the Baby Bjorn and seeing all the people in the neighborhood who know and love him. The guy at Simply Scrumptious, the Starbucks ladies, the Indian women at Tesco who call him "little Babu," the Slice of Ice lady (not that we spent ANY time at the ice cream shop...)

3. His constant smiling

4. Watching Ugly Betty every morning with my Starbucks while James is feeding

5. Long walks in the Heath during the day when it's totally empty

6. Meeting up with some of my other mom friends during the day (especially when we go to the Duke for a pint of London Pride around 4pm)

7. Baby Club movies - I haven't done this in a while actually, but I remember them very fondly. And I don't think we'll be seeing many movies in the theater now that we're both working

8. Two hour lunches at the White Bear while James naps in his stroller. Especially when he's sleeping well

9. Hanging out with him after he's woken up from a nap... he's so happy and smiley and content to just sit with me and play. Most of the rest of the day he gets really antsy and needs to be on the move, so these few moments of quiet, relaxed time were always a treat

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