Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monkey Man

Many of you already heard, but the big development in James Town this week was the introduction of real food. Most docs tell you to start with baby rice, but we couldn't find it anywhere so we went straight to banana. Ana said this is what they start babies on in Brazil (well, either banana or papaya, and I probably don't need to outline the chances of finding a papaya in London in May) and our doctor ok'd it so we jumped right in. He loved it. Figured the whole thing out pretty quickly and would probably down an entire banana in one sitting if we let him. He now eats twice a day. And we'll start to add in new foods every 3 or 4 days. I'd like to try avocado next. Lots of vitamins, healthy fat, and, most importantly, it's easy to mush up!

More pics and videos on Flickr.

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