Saturday, May 8, 2010

Breaking News - Hampstead

Ric here. Just so everyone is clear, when I say "Breaking News", what I really mean is "slow moving and not that exciting for anyone outside of Hampstead". Anyway, to really know what's going on in Hampers, you need to hit the streets, you need to talk to people. It also helps to be out there early (Thanks James) to get to know the local shopkeepers as they open up, and most importantly, to ask questions of the construction workers involved in renovations. I was walking to "Messco" (Tesco) this morning and spotted construction going on in the old Bagel Street which closed down months ago. There happened to be a worker on his way out and he was kind enough to tell me that a new deli by the name of Melrose and Morgan is going in. They currently have a shop in Primrose Hill and this will be their second. I think it might be a stretch to call this a "deli" for our American readers but I'll take it. The food looks good and I'll be happy for yet another lunch option in Ye Olde Hampstead.

The irony of the recession here is that Hampstead will soon have more up-market shops ("high-end" to those reading from the colonies) than 2 years ago. We've already talked about a few but I'll throw Zadig & Voltaire in there as well. Heck, I'll even throw in Slide of Ice, even though technically JA Steele closed well in advance of the worst of the recession, and more importantly, JA Steele was a Hampstead institution...and that comes from someone who owns the Hampstead Cookbook. A cynical person might say that there were good chefs in Hampstead because of the lack of any decent recent restaurants, but we won't go there.

As you can see, look no further than the Bremer Blog for anything and everything going on in Hampstonia.

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