Monday, May 17, 2010

Feed me

James tried sweet potatoes for the first time this weekend and loved them. I think they might actually be his favorite becuase he smiled almost the whole time he was eating. Either that or he was just in an especially good mood. So, for those of you keeping track, the latest food count is:

Banana - the first food and still one of the most loved. He can easily eat an entire banana in one sitting.

Carrot - the second thing he ate he likes it, but it must be warmed to the exact right temperature or he won't go near it. He ate four medium sized carrots for lunch on Saturday.

Pear- the third thing he tried. Likes it although he sometimes makes a face for the first couple bites. I like that he gets a lot of water (or pear juice, I guess) along with the pear when he's eating this one.

Sweet potato - seems to be his favorite so far. Easy to mush up once it's cooked and stores pretty well in the fridge for a few days.

I'd really like to try avocado next, but the ones in the store are not very ripe right now. Maybe beetroot? We can also start to mix things up and I have a cookbook with "recipes," but that all seems a little too complicated at the moment. I kind of like the cook it and mush it plan we're following at the moment.

Enjoying some carrot...

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