Friday, May 14, 2010

Five months old

Baby J turns five months old today. He's getting bigger and bigger (as one would expect) and is starting to look more like a little boy than a baby. I've been back at work for two weeks now and things are going very well so far. James absolutely adores Ana and they have lots of fun together... when I got home the other night she had done a handprint and footprint with James and some paint made out of beetroot. How cool is this?

He's now eaten banana and carrot and liked both, although he's a little picky about the temperature of the carrot (it has to be warm enough). Next on the list is pear, which we'll try out this evening. He's now having three "meals" a day and five milk feeds. In the next few days we'll need to cut out his 10pm bottle becuase he's definitely getting enough food otherwise. Not sure how that will go, wish us luck!

Sleep wise he's doing much better. We put him down at 7pm, give him a bottle around 10pm, and he sleeps soundly until 5am. His new thing is that he wakes up at 5am and wants to play for an hour, but then he gets tired again and goes back to sleep from about 6-7am. Now if we could just cut out that hour of playtime we'd be golden!

In other news, Ric and I went out on our monthly date night last night. He took me to see War Horse- a play that has gotten nothing but amazing reviews and is pretty much sold out every night. It definitely lived up to the hype. It's very cool how they were able to make a "puppet" horse seem so life life. Reminded me of the impressive animals in the Lion King play, which I'd also highly recommend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

Sara Parr said...

Cool! Look at her little journal too - impressive!