Friday, November 19, 2010

Our a very very very fine house

The next three weeks are going to be a little difficult for me... I'm a creature of habit and change doesn't come easily, so moving out of our house is almost too hard to contemplate. I know we'll be happy in the new place. The playroom for James will be great. And the new neighborhood is wonderful (and only a 10 minute walk from the current neighborhood). But I'm really going to miss this house. It's been our home in a foreign country... always warm, cozy and welcoming. And it's where we had our first baby. I'm trying not to get too emotional, but I may not be able to hold back as I pack up boxes and watch strangers walk around inspecting the rooms and closets. I just want to scream - YOU'LL LOVE THE HOUSE! BELIEVE ME! YOU'D BE LUCKY TO HAVE IT!

Well, I'm not going to say goodbye just yet...


bmason said...

I think your new place looks beautiful. When you have all your things in there, it will feel like home!

Unknown said...

Every place you live will have it's own special memories, so you are just starting a new set of great memories! Good luck with the move. Wish I was there to help you!